2021 Culture Rethink

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We encourage you to ‘rethink’ the way you approach your people in 2021 - What do you want your culture to feel and look like for the year ahead?

It’s fair to say, our HR world was turned upside down this year, like most businesses. Despite the various ups and downs, the COVID-19 pandemic has offered a much needed opportunity to create a more human centric focused approach to flexibility, productivity and morale.

As leaders this year, we have had to show our vulnerability, be transparent and agile in our communication and creative in our approach. As a team, we have all grown and discovered, we have unleashed huge potential, creativity and enjoyed collaboration. The Workplace communication app is still a big game changer, it’s a great place to celebrate success and keep us all up to date with the ever changing HR world. Please consider a communication app for your team in 2021, if you haven’t yet introduced one.

 Mental Health and Wellness has become a top workplace challenge and we know its going to continue to become more and more prevalent. Please make sure you have an up to date Workplace Wellness Policy, you have a process in place for handling wellness situations, wrap around support available to your team, including our support line flyer. Please engage in conversations with your team, if you observe changes in behaviour, check in on them, ask the important question- R U OK?

According to a new workplace study completed by Oracle and Workplace Intelligence, 76% of people believe that their company should be doing more to protect the mental health of their workplace. 51% noted their companies have added mental health services or support as a result of COVID-19. 83% of the global workforce would like their company to provide technology to support their mental health, including self service access to resources and 35% wanted their employers to look at contributing to wellness or meditation apps.  Overall the research should encourage businesses to add wellness to their agenda, do make it a priority and ensure their is a wellness focus within your organisation.

In summary, our top 5 HR Culture tips for 2021 are:

  1. Communication Apps - We use Workplace, it’s a game changer

  2. Create a culture of collaboration – have a planning day, ask your team for feedback, realign your values

  3. Celebrate your wins as a team – shout this out, so you all get to share and give feedback

  4. Wellness Policy / process – observe behaviour, check in – ask R U OK?

  5. Flexibility in your thinking and approach, do change it up – ask the hard questions, for example; does your structure align with your future?

Most importantly, please make sure you manage some rest and relaxation over the Summer months. It certainly has been a difficult year - please reflect and be proud of what you have achieved in the circumstances! We certainly are as a team, and thank you for being on this journey with us here at People Passion.

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Lara Hellier

Director | HR Partner