Level up your team Strategy in 2023

On reflection of the past few years there is a sense of a ‘’pandemic-hangover’ in the air and with the forecasted year ahead, creating space to move away from the office to hold a strategy day is going to be your saving-grace for 2023.

What is a strategy day? Think working ‘’on the business’’ rather than ‘’in the business’’. Pushing pause on your day-to-day work life, moving away from the office with a clear head to dive into the year that’s been and create a plan to ultimately strengthen the business.

Involve your people and brainstorm on what is happening on a day-to-day basis, ask questions about what is working well, where the leaks may be, what they would like to see change, and how this impacts team culture, customers / clients, and the business performance. This gives you perspective to understand what’s happening at all levels within the business, and to come up with ideas that you may not have considered on your own.

To get brains flowing, and to open up courageous conversations – have fun! Hold the strategy day offsite, include team building, an outside influence or support from a facilitator, have butcher paper to scribble down light-bulb moments and let the conversation flow.

You will walk away from your strategy day with a team that are aware of where the business is heading and objectives to achieve your business goal.

People Passion have an annual strategy day – this year we enjoyed a day at LaValla estate, with a beautiful lunch and lawn games. For 2023, we plan to have our planning day in small groups, as our team are now dotted around the country.

If you would like to know more about strategy days, and how to hold these – get in touch!👇👇👇


Krista McDowell

HR Partner