Workplace Wellbeing + Gumboot Friday

As Auckland and Waikato are still living in their trackies, interacting with team and family virtually, juggling work and home-schooling, and missing the luxuries of haircuts and restaurants; the effects of Lockdown Fatigue and Pandemic Burnout are becoming common within our workplaces, and one of the most powerful tools in combating this and improving mental health in our workplace is by having real and authentic conversations with our people.

When employees are experiencing poor mental health, we may observe their unplanned leave increasing and changes in their behaviour; however we may also observe no changes and therefore continue to be unaware of someone who may be struggling.  This means, as Leaders, and individually, we need to continuously be aware of mental health and make impactful changes to improve the wellbeing of ourselves, our people and those around us; this means creating a culture where conversations are welcome and transparent, where Leaders show their own vulnerability, stigma is removed, and safe spaces are created. By ignoring these conversations, or signs of ‘not being OK’, our people continue to struggle, productivity decreases, and engagement, morale and job satisfaction are impacted.

As Leaders, it is important that we step up, have empathic and real conversations, ask the question, ‘are you OK?’, reflect on what we may be able to change within our Leadership style and champion the change in your workplace culture, this might include:

  • Supporting team members to engage in activities that boost positive mental health and wellbeing

  • Having a team huddle and exploring ways of opening communication up

  • Identifying and empowering Mental Wellbeing Champions within the workplace

  • Implementing a Mental Health or Workplace Wellness Policy – but make sure you walk the talk!

  • Having a real conversation with someone and ask how they are

  • Getting in touch with us for a support line flyer, and put this up in your lunchroom

  • Provide opportunity for your team to undertake their Mental Health First Aid course through St Johns

  • Taking part in initiatives such as MHAW and Gumboot Friday, raising awareness, funds and sharing resources

If you aren’t sure where to start, get in touch with the People Passion team, we are here to help with guidance on changing up your approach to mental wellness in your workplace or coaching you through those conversations

Gumboot Friday!

Gumboot Friday means making accessing help easy and stress free for our young people. Without adults like you role modelling that it’s okay to struggle and that mental health of our young people matters, this message would be much harder to so show, so THANKYOU! Every bit of support makes a difference in funding the much needed support for our tamariki, and we hope you have lots of fun getting involved.

Please also consider joining our Gumboot Army Facebook group at the link below to connect with other organisations and individuals fundraising to share creative ideas. For any resources (posters, etc.) you can visit


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Krista McDowell

HR Partner