Krista’s Tips to Put the Bounce Back in Your Step 

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Usually at this time of year, excitement is starting to creep in as the sun stays out a little longer each day and the anticipation of summer being just around the corner, starts to set in.  

2020 however, feels a little different and the strong sense of uncertainty that is still hanging over our heads may be causing some of us to feel a little lost and uneasy.     

What can we do to bring that spark back? It’s about embracing the chance to branch out from the ‘norm’, finding what puts the bounce in our step and having things to look forward to.  

  • Plan a team event, where you can give back - the People Passion team are taking part in the Pink Ribbon Walk in November and will be dressing up in bright pink tutu’s to walk in support of Breast Cancer;  

  • Start talking Christmas – while we are still a few months out, it’s a good time to start putting plans in place and having this to look forward to. Have a chat with your team and seek their input and ideas on how you can celebrate as a team;   

  • Get out in the sun and go for a Walking Meeting – everyone loves a crisp spring morning, so move your usual meeting outside or hold a Walking Conference Call if your team are still working from home; 

  • Celebrate – share your ‘wins of the day’ or ‘shout out team members’ on the positives that are happening within the business on a daily basis. If you have an internal communication tool, i.e. Workplace, set up a page purely for team celebrations.   

  • Realign and set goals – it’s likely that the goals we planned at the beginning of 2020 have changed and shifted with the roller-coaster ride we have been on. Take time to re-set and have input from your team - a shared goal will provide your team with direction and purpose.  

There are plenty of free resources and material to help support you and your team with looking after their mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19. The mental health foundation has several resources, focused on workplace wellbeing – see here. We recommend circulating and sharing these resources with your team.  

Most of all, have fun and keep communicating. For more tips on workplace wellness contact our team on 0800 HR FOR U

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Krista McDowell

HR Partner