Sarah’s Wellbeing Journey & Tips for Your Workplace

As humans, we are always growing, learning and manifesting.

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I have always had an interest in manifestation and how this relates to our wellbeing, however I never found the time to explore this, and learn more. Having spare time on my hands as a result of COVID-19 lockdown, I began to research the law of attraction and meditation.

My journey with manifesting and wellbeing couldn’t have come at a more perfect time, it played a rather big part through lockdown for me, helping me overcome hurdles and giving me the tools to put things into perspective.

I learnt that each thought we have informs our energy, and this energy is vibrating at a frequency, manifesting our experiences both positive and negative. Our thoughts and energy, create our reality. 

For example, when we are happy, confident and determined, our vibration is high and we attract similarly vibrating things towards us. On the flip side, when we are feeling upset, negative or angry our vibration is low and we attract very little or sometimes more of the same negativity.

We have the power to change this, to change our vibrations and attract the energy we want in our lives just by tuning into our thoughts and emotions.

During lockdown, I was nominated to take the lead in implementing wellness activities for the team each day. This meant I could share my learnings and also hold myself accountable, some of our wellness activities included:

  • Drink 8 cups of water today

  • Morning meditation before work

  • Practise deep breathing

  • Five fruit Friday

  • Shake up your morning routine

  • Do something meaningful before you start work

  • Check in on someone

  • Set a daily intention

  • Take a picture of something that makes you happy and share with the team

  • Eat mindfully – step away from your desk and eat with no distractions

Following each activity, the next morning via zoom we would reflect on how we went, have open discussions and share pictures. Doing this meant we were able to create an even more positive and healthy work environment from the space of our own homes, and connect and explore topics surrounding our wellness.

With the announcement of heading back to Alert Level 3, we took this as another opportunity to grow more and think of fun and creative wellness ideas we could still do safely and virtually as a team, these included:

  • A Group PT Session with Ralz from RTK FIT via Zoom

  • A Group yoga session with Aimee from Eight Limb via Zoom

  • Group Meditation through the Calm App via Zoom

There are so many great ways to collaborate as a team and to prioritise wellbeing at work. You will reap the rewards of a happy and healthy workplace. Get in touch with us on 0800 HR FOR U if you want some more wellness ideas!

“Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” - Bob Proctor

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Sarah Lynch

Admin Partner