Salary Benchmarking 2018

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Did you know we offer Remuneration Benchmarking as a service to our clients?

Throughout 2018, we have researched over 80 roles for 16 clients all within different industries including Accounting, Manufacturing, Retail and Trade. There is also a diverse range of roles including Marketing, CEO, Accountants, General Manager and Administration.

Salary surveys are a great way to ensure that you are benchmarking your remuneration to reflect market and industry means. It is reassuring and great to know that you are up to date with what you pay your people.

We utilise up to 10 remuneration sources within Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and also a few States across Australia. We also run our own report with positions we fill for a variety of our clients across New Zealand.

Let us know if you would like Salary Benchmarking conducted in 2019 to ensure you’re up to date! 09 299 2525. 

RecruitmentPeople Passion