Employment Forms Package (Free)

Employment Forms Package (Free)


Collecting and having employee information on file is so important.

In this free download we have included:

Application Form:

An application form is a critical tool in the Recruitment process, it gathers relevant information you might not otherwise uncover in a CV or interview. Most importantly make sure the application form is completed and reviewed before you interview! This form includes all the relevant questions you need to ask (and leaves out the ones you shouldn’t) and is easily customise to your business.

Personnel Form:

Keeping your employees personnel details on file and keeping them up to date is really important – mainly when things go wrong! To make it easy for you we’ve included our easy to use form for your use. If you want a customised version or reminders for updates touch base and let us know.

Please note: When we provide you with template documentation, we cannot accept responsibility for any changes made without first obtaining our written advice. ­

Any documentation we provide to you is our copyright and is to be used strictly for your own business, unless we provide written permission otherwise. We ask that you please do not share or copy any form of our intellectual property to another person, firm or business for their use.

People Passion accepts no liability in respect of any action or non-action in regard to personal grievances, legislation or other risk related to dealings with your business or documentation provided. It is the responsibility of your business to arrange appropriate indemnity insurance.

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