3 ways to motivate your team through the Christmas Season


1. Say Thank You “Thank you” is such a common phrase that people often underestimate its power! By simply thanking someone and recognising them for even a small thing they have done motivates them to do it again. Research from the Wall Street Journal shows Employees who are happy and healthy spend 65% more time feeling energised, and believe they are achieving their potential twice as much as their unhappy peers

2. Share your Action plan for the New Year

Talk with your Employees about what has worked for you and what areas they want to learn and develop in 2016. Work with them to create a plan or goals that they believe will keep them motivated.

CEO of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, described how offering smaller promotions or opportunities to grow in skill and training would result in significant increases in Employee satisfaction and motivation

3. Encourage volunteering and giving to your community

Get your Employees involved in a charity, volunteer programme or put on a morning tea to raise funds for a great cause.

Of those who volunteered for a study by United Health Group:

  • 75% of the people felt healthier
  • 90% said volunteering put them in a better mood
  • 75% reported experiencing less stress

It’s no secret that healthier, happier and less stressed Employees leads to better performance, improved customer service and improved workplace culture.
